Category Archives: Self Image

Social Musings 101: Self Image

I am sharing this video today about self-image because it’s so vitally important that we have a picture in our minds of who we are or would like to be. Most of the time we work on the outside of ourselves to fix or correct habits or behaviors but never work on the mind to correct those failures. So this is a great video from Earl Nightingale about self image and the importance/concept of the image we hold of ourselves. You have to check this video out. It’s pretty good. And don’t under estimate the power of your self image.

People Who Have Contributed to Society……

So the next person on my list of people who have contributed greatly to society is none other than Earl Nightingale. Mr Nightingale is a motivational speaker that talks about mindset, attitude, and your ability to achieve things. Mr. Nightingale was on the USS Arizona when it was attacked in Pearl Harbor. He was one of the 12 surviving marines. In regards to contributions Earl has given over 7,000 radio programs, 250 audio programs and hundreds of other television and video programs. If you listen to an Earl Nightingale tape you’ll see what I mean. He talks about self motivation to philosophy and American History to job performance and service. Earl has unknowningly contributed to society my without being here encouraging all the go getters of the world to push themselves to the level they are capable of becoming. Many organizations and sound employees have been crafted by listening to the words of Earl Nightingale. Thanks again Mr. Nightingale. Read  more about the history of Earl Nightingale. Click the link.