Category Archives: Self made

Silly Sharkeisha Gets Lost in the Valley of Hope “Short Film”

Silly sharkeisha gets lost in the valley of hope
Silly sharkeisha gets lost in the valley of hope

Finished my 2nd short film, called, “Silly Sharkeisha gets lost in the valley of Hope. Hope you guys like it. it was a lot of fun to make. More to come but for now enjoying the moment.

Where does good music come from? by James Creative Arts & Entertainment Company

The question is where does good music come from? I think good music can come from any where. I think it can come from your hear head mind feet. I think good music tries to find us all the time. I think you have to be open to the music to find it or search it out. This all may seem silly but if you’ve ever spent a considerable amount of time trying to find the right music for the moment you’ll understand what I mean. The part that I have to work on in regards to music is I can hear these awesome melodies in my head. But I have to learn how to master the devices I have to create or recreate the sounds that I hear in my head. I’m working on it and getting there. But in the meantime bare with me. This video above is a little sample of some sounds that I thought sounded pretty good on the way to a birthday party to perform. Until next time.