Monthly Archives: January 2015

Social Musings 101: Early Risers

Today the musings is on rising early to complete tasks or projects or just in general. It’s  a hard practice to start but once you get going it’s pretty easy. You just have to maintain your discipline and have a strong enough why. The key is your why. But other than that….well one more thing is its much easier to get things done early in the morning as  there aren’t as many distractions as their normally would be. Well enjoy the video/article and have a wonderful day.

Habits of Highly Successful People

Social Musings 101: Mayweather Vs. Pacquiao Fight May 2, 2015

I usually don’t cover sports although certain select sports events are basically historical in nature.  That event is possible boxing match between Mayweather and Pacquiao. The hype behind the fight is what’s really fueling the fans so it should be funny or awesome to see the results. But when two really great fighters get into the ring the level of execution is amazing. So sometimes you don’t get to see these things but when you do you enjoy them and just are in the moment. Some of you like different sports but you can relate to watching great moments in time and just staying in the moment to enjoy what’s going on. So hopefully this fight happen this year. Either way enjoy your day and stay positive.

Social Musings 101: East Coast Weather Snow Storm

So from all accounts of things if you live on the east coast it appears that things are going down, down, down. In regards to snow and snow storms and snowed roads and highways. So if your reading this and on the east coast enjoy this time that you have to spend with loved ones. I’m sure some of you can’t make it to work or your kids have to stand home at school. For those of you that have a business or only work when you get paid, relax, relax, everything works itself out. If you start worrying about money and bills it will take away from your experience to just be in the moment with your family, friends, or just your situation. No worries. Enjoy your life. Stay warm as you possibly can. If you are stuck indoors all day you might as well finish a project that you started and tidy up the house a bit. Well have a great day. JJ

Social Musings 101: Friendship

Today if you have friends in your life or people that were friends that you haven’t spoken too. Why not contact them today and just say Hello. If this was a previous relationship and their is heavy baggage or ensnaring then please don’t call that person. If the person is a friend who was supportive through a trying time in your life, tell them thank you. The second side of the friendship continuum is when someone needs you to be there friend. If someone needs you as their friend please be there for them, even if you don’t see how this person could ever be beneficial to you. You would surprised how friends came come thorough for you when you least expect it. Ok, enjoy your Tuesday and this weather. Goodnight, Goodday, or Good evening or Good Morning.

Social Musings 101: Exercise

Today we discuss Exercise. So many of us wake up look in the mirror and are mad or dismayed at the state that our body is in. But if you want to see any change made to the persona which is you. Then you need to set up a regular exercise habit or plan. If you have a tendency to quit things that you start then I would encourage you to start small very small. so start off with one ab crunch a day. If you are into cardio then add 25 steps to your normal routine. Just start small whatever the goal and then be patient with yourself and gradually increase it once you can master the small steps. Others may come around or you may be tempted to compare yourself and your results to others. Don’t do it. Stay in your lane. I repeat, stay in your lane and keep pushing and one day you’ll make up and look in the mirror or your goal and say, “Hey”, I did it. On that note, make something good happen today for someone near and dear to you or a complete stranger. Have a great day. JJ.

Social Musings 101: Air

Today the topic of air popped into my head. Yes the thing we breathe in and out on a regular basis. Air. We take Air for granted. Air helps us stay fit and healthy. Air helps our car engines breathe. Air helps the plants and life forms small and large to see all that they can see and as far as the eye can see. Air can be good and air can be bad. Air can clear the smog away to reveal a beautiful backdrop previously hidden to the naked eye. But what Air can also do is be destructive in the case of hurricanes, tornados, and typhoons. The air kind of reminds me of our mind and thoughts. We can think about all kinds of things. The bad things we think about usually end up brining bad and the good the good. Well enough of me this morning, hope all is well with you all have a wonderful day. JJ.

Social Musings 101: Oatmeal

This little known food item is really good for you and your heart. It is full of complex carbohydrates and B vitamins. What is that food that some of us eat on a regular basis? You guessed it. Its oatmeal. Oatmeal is really good for you and can help many of us live longer lives. So I went the kitchen and cabinet the other day and threw out a lot of the junk food that we eat when snacking and replaced it all with snacks that are way better for you. So vegetables took the place of candy and healthy chips took the place of bad chips. So I just decided to muse about this this morning. If you aren’t eating oatmeal you don’t have to but at least please make the conscious decision to eat something that will sustain you and not kill you slowly at the the same time. Have  a wonderful day. JJ. I have attached a link to the history of oatmeal below.

The history of Oatmeal

Social Musings 101: The Book Of Positive Quotations by John Cook


The Book of Positive Quotations by John Cook
The Book of Positive Quotations by John Cook



If you like to play around with concepts or ideas then this is a wonderful book for you. If you find yourself asking yourself about certain subjects then this book is for you. I really enjoy inspiring and empowering quotes. This book will even bring new perspective to previous ideas of what you thought was normal and not normal. You can purchase the book at various locations but it’s a good read so enjoy. Until tomorrow. Electramorhipism out.