Category Archives: Psychology of Creativity

Setting Personal Standards by RSD Motivation

So listening to motivational videos like I always do, then I came across this video and it made me really think. The video talks about personal standards and the importance of achieving goals that need to be created. The speaker says that once you set a standard if you don’t take action once that standard is crossed you end up any where because your standard is set lower and lower and lower and lower till you have no standard and are happy to just brreeeeattthhhh. Check it. Until next time, Electramorhipism out.

Death: The unavoidable outcome

American casket CSH-04
American casket CSH-04

So although I’m generally a very positive person I decided to drop this post to remind myself and anyone who’s willing to listen. So recently some people who I know and had great conversations with have gone from this world. I still have the shared memory of common experiences, but the spirit of that person has left this realm. I send best wishes and condolences to him and his family. I’m not going to post a picture because I don’t want to parade him on this blog as he will truly be remembered by many as a great man. But his death reminded me as it does all of us. Are you doing the things that you want to do. Are you building creating what you want to create? Are you being the person in life that you want to be? OR are you just coasting from crises to crises hoping that one day you can stop and smell the roses. Well I got news for you. Even when you think you reached a position where you can relax, “Bam” a new crises will show up. So crises or no crises, start, if you already started keep going, if you kept going but your waning focus, remember why you started and re-imagine the final outcome. Listening to Les Brown yesterday morning he so eloquently put it, all the dreams, and ideas, poetry, sounds, revelations, words, and hopes, that you have are yours to bring to fruition in the world. No one else has been given those set of ideas, it’s your job, to execute, execute, execute. In the end, win, lose, or fail. You’ll know you have lived the life you wanted to live. One thing that I picked up from another motivational speech is to repeat, I am the kind of person who………..dreams big, saves money, helps kids, protects my family, helps the handicap, writes novels, makes films, creates shows that amaze, plants flowers or trees. The possibilities are endless, with LOVE in my heart Electramorhipism out.

Mother’s Day not too soon, not to late.

So Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and is right around the corner. Yes it is here. I thought about it. Why not this year instead of spending globs of cash. Why not do something special. Create a unique gift. Do something you would do if you were a kid and had nno money but wanted to show appreciation. You’d be surprised how much further that gift goes. Until next time, Electramorhipism.

Where does good music come from? by James Creative Arts & Entertainment Company

The question is where does good music come from? I think good music can come from any where. I think it can come from your hear head mind feet. I think good music tries to find us all the time. I think you have to be open to the music to find it or search it out. This all may seem silly but if you’ve ever spent a considerable amount of time trying to find the right music for the moment you’ll understand what I mean. The part that I have to work on in regards to music is I can hear these awesome melodies in my head. But I have to learn how to master the devices I have to create or recreate the sounds that I hear in my head. I’m working on it and getting there. But in the meantime bare with me. This video above is a little sample of some sounds that I thought sounded pretty good on the way to a birthday party to perform. Until next time.

Psychology of Creativity: Political Voting Signs by Electramorhipism

So what do political voting signs have to do with anything creative. Alot in fact. Take for instance the name. Well first let me get my thoughts together. Okay got it. Now the name. Well let me put a picture in here as reference. Something thrown together using Illustrator.

Moreno Valley Electramorhipism
Moreno Valley Electramorhipism


So the sign like all political signs say the person’s name in small to basic print. Then it has the last name in SUPERBOLD Extra LARGE PRINT, now I get it. Most people aren’t going to take the time to read through the issues and see where each person stands. But the question I ask is what do the large letters stand for really. Well of course the obvious answer is so when people get to the polls they can remember the last name when they see it on the voting form. Well yes that’s one way of looking at it. But I think the real reason whether obvious or not is people identify with last names. People draw pictures with last names. If I say Kedrick Johnson for school superintendent. You automatically drawed a picture of what Kedrick Johnson looks like for Superintendent. When I say Ricardo Fuentes for Mayor. You draw a picture of the person whos running for that spot. Now what most people fail to admit but do because I was guilty of it in the past. We say do I want this guy in charge of doing this or that in my community. Then all your prejuides and biases, perceived or real experiences go to work and assist you with your decision making. So if my name is Thomas Reynord and I want to be Chairman of Arts. I might not get that many votes since people picture a Chairman of Arts differently. That doesn’t mean that Thomas can’t be Chairman of Arts, it just might be a harder sell.

So what does creativity have to do with politics? Everything. The conception of the idea. The way to reach the people. The way to sway public opinion. Polls. Mentality. Call to actions. Yes the same mechanisms of selling and marketing are in politics. Who’d a thoguht. LOL. Well enough of mi (yes mi) (in a pirate voice) ranting. Until next time Electramorhipism. Out.