Category Archives: Creative Music

Silly Sharkeisha Gets Lost in the Valley of Hope “Short Film”

Silly sharkeisha gets lost in the valley of hope
Silly sharkeisha gets lost in the valley of hope

Finished my 2nd short film, called, “Silly Sharkeisha gets lost in the valley of Hope. Hope you guys like it. it was a lot of fun to make. More to come but for now enjoying the moment.

Drake We made it feat Soulja Boy

Every morning I wake up, I listen to this song. It helps my creative imagination flow. Hope it does the same for you. Remember to have fun along the way. Because you never know what’s possible till you try it.

Djing: How to make people dance by Digital DJ

This is a very informative video on how to maintain or attempt to maintain enthusiasm on the dance floor. Enjoy. You can go to to learn more information about djing in general. Getting ready for a graduation party coming up this weekend. Electramorhipism Out.

DJ Chuckie One of the Most Engaging DJ’s I know

The reason I picked dj as an engaging dj is because he always makes you feel like its him and you on stage. I noticed that he does a lot of preparation time to construct his sets. If you listen to the intro, he calls out the city several times. So if you are a native new Yorker or you traveled to new York you feel apart of the moment. Then he takes you on these highs and lows with his build ups and drop offs again and again, almost as orgasmic as sex if you’re at venue and letting the music, energy, and feelings of the moment travel thru your body. Have you ever wondered why you see people doing the weirdest dances at EDC events. Yes because all those emotions that have been pent-up are finally released, spiritual blocks are removed as well, that’s why you see a lot of people going around hugging one another and what not. But back to dj chuckie. I really like the way he starts his sets off as well. They usually go something like this…you are listening to the sounds of DJ Chuckieeeeeeeeeee. So if you look at the program and don’t know anything about electronic music you say, oh yea, I remembered this guy called DJ Chuckie, and the way he made me feel and how much fun I had. Who ever is in charge of the marketing plan is a genius and if its you yourself I definitely take my hat off to you sir. Keep em coming sir. Until next time.

Where does good music come from? by James Creative Arts & Entertainment Company

The question is where does good music come from? I think good music can come from any where. I think it can come from your hear head mind feet. I think good music tries to find us all the time. I think you have to be open to the music to find it or search it out. This all may seem silly but if you’ve ever spent a considerable amount of time trying to find the right music for the moment you’ll understand what I mean. The part that I have to work on in regards to music is I can hear these awesome melodies in my head. But I have to learn how to master the devices I have to create or recreate the sounds that I hear in my head. I’m working on it and getting there. But in the meantime bare with me. This video above is a little sample of some sounds that I thought sounded pretty good on the way to a birthday party to perform. Until next time.