Category Archives: Civil War

People Who Have Contributed to Society………..

So the next person on my list of people who have contributed to society…is none other than……John Brown. Mr. Brown lived at a time when people talked, and talked, and talked, and after talking, talked some more about the abolition of slavery. Mr. Brown took action and put his money where his mouth is…and unknowingly sparked the start of the civil war which eventually led to the slaves being free. Mr. Brown’s contribution to society is that all the millions and millions of free slaves now…owe their freedom to men like John Brown…who stood up for the truth in spite of the social pressure to be otherwise….he is understood by some to be a madmen yes, but the only way the south was going to give up the slaves was by force…as slavery had become a lifestyle and one of the major economic factors for wealthy slave owners… pay….free labor……hell yeah…sounds like a deal…….so thank you Mr. Brown….for your contribution to society. Read more about John Brown here….click the link.

People Who have Contributed to Society………

So I have decided to cover small to big and big to small, people who have contributed to the world in ways big or small… this list could go on forever and ever and ever….Lol…Oh well I promise not to bore you and make it simple and to the point….Thank you.

So the first person I would like to talk about is none other than Abraham Lincoln…to me he is an icon because of the strength of character that he must of possessed to make some of the difficult and taxing decisions that he had to make. Yes, some people still hate this man to this day….and the penny controversy exists……but I’ve seen with my own eyes men who were staunch in their beliefs of right and wrong…..get funny..and act funny…if their decision doesn’t match popular opinion…..not only did he keep the union together he freed the slaves and increased commerce via railroads, canals, and more efficient banking systems…..then after the civil war and the Union won…many people wanted to make the south pay for the damage done to the economy and Lincoln held his own and said…. no, this is the way things are going to be done. So when it comes to having to make difficult decisions I say to myself what would this man have done facing these similar circumstances or situations…..Well that’s my blurb now go check out in further detail the history of Abraham Lincoln here……..Click the link….Winjoy..and remember peace, Love and Happiness.