Category Archives: Power

Social Musings 101: Power

Sometimes in life situations and events can make us feel powerless, but please never forget you have a lot more power than you think or know. When or if your ever feeling powerless concentrate on the things around you that you can effect and change. Your future self will thank you later. Goodday, Good night, Good Evening.

Trap Music EDM News

So really getting into this Trap Style of EDM music. It has a lot of power and potential in it. Whether we realize it or not. So just added a mix that I liked online that had this style in it. Plus here’s a website that talks about Trap Style EDM music as well. Enjoy.

EDM Trap Triphop Website

Death: The unavoidable outcome

American casket CSH-04
American casket CSH-04

So although I’m generally a very positive person I decided to drop this post to remind myself and anyone who’s willing to listen. So recently some people who I know and had great conversations with have gone from this world. I still have the shared memory of common experiences, but the spirit of that person has left this realm. I send best wishes and condolences to him and his family. I’m not going to post a picture because I don’t want to parade him on this blog as he will truly be remembered by many as a great man. But his death reminded me as it does all of us. Are you doing the things that you want to do. Are you building creating what you want to create? Are you being the person in life that you want to be? OR are you just coasting from crises to crises hoping that one day you can stop and smell the roses. Well I got news for you. Even when you think you reached a position where you can relax, “Bam” a new crises will show up. So crises or no crises, start, if you already started keep going, if you kept going but your waning focus, remember why you started and re-imagine the final outcome. Listening to Les Brown yesterday morning he so eloquently put it, all the dreams, and ideas, poetry, sounds, revelations, words, and hopes, that you have are yours to bring to fruition in the world. No one else has been given those set of ideas, it’s your job, to execute, execute, execute. In the end, win, lose, or fail. You’ll know you have lived the life you wanted to live. One thing that I picked up from another motivational speech is to repeat, I am the kind of person who………..dreams big, saves money, helps kids, protects my family, helps the handicap, writes novels, makes films, creates shows that amaze, plants flowers or trees. The possibilities are endless, with LOVE in my heart Electramorhipism out.

Motivational Speaker Les Brown

Sometimes on our destination it can get scary. Things can get bumpy and seem out of place. There’s nothing like listening to motivational speakers who keep you focused on your objective. Thanks all folks. Les Brown is very inspiring and motivating speaker. Thanks for watching. Goodnight.

Which Film Director would you want to work with for a day?

alfred hitchcock oliver stone
Alfred Hitchcock oliver stone

So the question is if you could be on the set of one of the legends. Which would you choose? Me personally, I probably would choose to work with Hitchcock. Then sneak the other half of the day to work with Stone. I really like Hitchcock creative way of looking a familiar concepts and things. But I like the storytelling narration of Stone. I really enjoyed his series that was recently on HBO or Showtime regarding the untold history of the United States. The history that wasn’t told by the main media outlets for whatever reasons. The series was very informative and even talked about the politicians that we have in office now and how they got there. So whoever choose everyway both are great men who inspire others to create, film, and connect with their audiences.

Internet Meme as King I Decree by Electramorhipism



This is a internet meme that I came up with in regards to power and kings and all that stuff. The meme makes a funny play on power and those that use it and those that conform to it. Power is a funny thing in the hands of the wrong person it is a bad, bad thing. But other times power is a good, good thing. You see why the world is the way it is when you see power and deal with it on a regular basis. That’s what makes you wise. So this is my way of saying, “Yayyyyyyy”, power used correctly.  So if you lived in a kingdom where the king if your name was A-Z gave you free dinner lobster (the idea I got from eating at my fathers birthday celebration). So if you ever see this meme it deals with power and the use of it, arbitrarily or not. So have fun and look for the as king I decree memes. Instagram #askingidecree. Ok, Electramorhipism out.