Category Archives: East Coast Snow Storm

Social Musings 101: East Coast Weather Snow Storm

So from all accounts of things if you live on the east coast it appears that things are going down, down, down. In regards to snow and snow storms and snowed roads and highways. So if your reading this and on the east coast enjoy this time that you have to spend with loved ones. I’m sure some of you can’t make it to work or your kids have to stand home at school. For those of you that have a business or only work when you get paid, relax, relax, everything works itself out. If you start worrying about money and bills it will take away from your experience to just be in the moment with your family, friends, or just your situation. No worries. Enjoy your life. Stay warm as you possibly can. If you are stuck indoors all day you might as well finish a project that you started and tidy up the house a bit. Well have a great day. JJ