Category Archives: Air

Social Musings 101: Air

Today the topic of air popped into my head. Yes the thing we breathe in and out on a regular basis. Air. We take Air for granted. Air helps us stay fit and healthy. Air helps our car engines breathe. Air helps the plants and life forms small and large to see all that they can see and as far as the eye can see. Air can be good and air can be bad. Air can clear the smog away to reveal a beautiful backdrop previously hidden to the naked eye. But what Air can also do is be destructive in the case of hurricanes, tornados, and typhoons. The air kind of reminds me of our mind and thoughts. We can think about all kinds of things. The bad things we think about usually end up brining bad and the good the good. Well enough of me this morning, hope all is well with you all have a wonderful day. JJ.