Category Archives: Life Quotes

The History of Apple Corporation

Everyone takes smartphones and a lot of mobile gadgets for granted. A lot of the daily conveniences that we enjoy are because of people who day and night painstakingly took the time to build products and services to make the world a easier, simplier, more productive place. No company espouses this philosophy more than Apple. At one point in his career, Steve Jobs, was kicked out of his own company. Imagine that, you build a house from scratch and after its built the other people that assisted with the building of the house say, yes, well thanks for everything and building this house that didn’t exist but you have to go. Talk about a resilient personality. So here’s the history of Apple Corporation according to Wikipedia. Enjoy.

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

Calvin Coolidge


Motivational Speaker Les Brown

Sometimes on our destination it can get scary. Things can get bumpy and seem out of place. There’s nothing like listening to motivational speakers who keep you focused on your objective. Thanks all folks. Les Brown is very inspiring and motivating speaker. Thanks for watching. Goodnight.

Hair Coloring is Fun by electramorhipism

James Creative Arts & entertainment Company
James Creative Arts & entertainment Company

So today at school we learned how to “”Tint” hair. We used shaving cream instead of real tint because we were working on mannequins but it was still pretty cool. Most of things just take repetition to learn but you can learn the things needed to be learned fairly easy. The class was having fun with everyone was helpful with one another. I really like the instructor to student ratio its about 10 students to 1 instructor. Looking forward to trying out some interesting hair styles this summer or this year. Well day by day times a going fast. LOL. No its not. But learning a new craft is always a good thing in this very complex and diverse marketplace that we live in today. Until next time Electramorhipism out.

Internet Meme “Wizardly Words of Wisdom” by Electramorhipism

So alot of time, I read quotes, online about motivation and other subjects that come across my mind at the time. So I decided to come up with a meme that plays around with words and wisdom and is seemingly simple but at the same time seemingly complex. I realize that some things can’t just be said because people assume things. But if you can decipher the truth then you can get the memes or words that I’m trying to say or convey. When I’m driving or walking sometimes these sayings pop into my head so this is my way of I guess, allowing you a little into the way my mind is set up.


This new quoted deals with present circumstances that are beyond my control. But I believe in the end, things always work for the best because  they just do. I also believe in astrology and happen to be a libra so this month for me is an especially trying time. Either way. Life goes on. Until next time. Enjoy life. Electramorhipism Out.