Category Archives: Chinese Printer Inventor

People Who Have Contributed to Society……

So the next person on the list of people who have contributed greatly to society…is Bi Sheng…..and we say well who is Bi Sheng…..only the first known inventor of moveable type technology…better known as a printing press……so Bi……got the idea to make a printing press and he used clay figures to make his print……of course other people came behind him and improved on his original design….but this man took his concept out of his head and put it into the world…not only did this idea create more jobs for others that would one day work on the printing press…he also helped authors, writers, and any one needed to convey a message through story or pictures………and he did it with no questions and asked and because it was his calling…….well enjoy.

Read more about Bi Sheng…click the link.