Tag Archives: copyright

The History of ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil is the split-off or merger of 2 companies. So the creator of Exxon Mobil was John D. Rockefeller who created The Standard Oil company. A journalist wrote a book about the tactics used by Mr. Rockefeller to corner the market on oil and the company was subsequently broken up into 34 smaller companies. This story sounds similar to AT&T. Well there’s more history and story to read here…just click the link and read about ExxonMobil.

More Cartoons & Abstract Thoughts

In the series of cartoons that follow, I was playing around with Flash or should I say making LOve to flash since me and flash are in a relationship? Dont know. Well be safe and say playing around with flash, then came up with the idea of a little bot world war and what are the motivations of Superheros, no not the cut and dry ones that you’ve been taught to adore but what would really motivate a superhero to risk his life and save a princess in distress…..well the first webisode touches on it the others are coming soon. The other cartoons have…done talking, Enjoy!

Learned Helplessness, Ignorant Fighting, Silly Toon by VJ Electramorhipism

In these series of videos was pusshing to see if I could get 3 videos done in one day. I did, yayyyyyyy. But the storylines suck behind because I didnt write the normal storyboard just put it together. But it still makes some sense. The cartoon that stuck with me the most was the one about learned helplesssness, its so sickening to see. Yet it even made me cringe thinking about times when I’ve allowed myself to be a victim of its infectious disease. Oh well onto lighter things, enjoy the cartoons, most are silly, and have a point if you can tell. Which most can. Enough blabbing and more doing, okay, gonna take that advise and enjoy.

Cartoon Video: The Awkward Invite by VJ Electramorhipism

Created by VJ Electramorhipism a cartoon about a guy inviting a girl he knows over to play video games. Turns out she likes video games as well.

Kung Fu Gung Fu #2 by VJ Electramorhipism


In this webisode of Kung Fu Gung Fu Sally Fu has to fight a 3 headed golden ninja dragon slouth in order to protect her creativity. This is silly. I know. But I liked it and made it cuz it made me Happy. So either way enjoy. Good Day.

Gyeah Burgers #7

In this webisode Tyrone lets the dude man know what he thinks about fast and slow money.

Mr Cukkel Goes to the House Of Jabula by VJ Electramorhipism

Mr. Cukkel visits the house of Jabula and has a good time. After realizing that giving all your money to Jabula so you can get steak, lobster, and shrimp on the beach doesnt work for him. He has to pray to Jabula if he wants help or some of his money back while the spokesperson eats steak, lobster and shrimp. Enjoy!