Tag Archives: mr cukkel

Do Cheaters Win?

I was thinking about different things that have happened in this lifetime and I thought to myself do cheaters win? If they do how? IF they dont why not? Is cheating wrong? I could probably come up with 10 strong arguments why its wrong and 10 strong arguments why its not just being the LOSER that I am. But for now were gonna watch a little cartoon about a man and a woman with cookies involved. Enjoy! In the next blog post I will say 10 why 10 why not, and at what point is flirting cheating (all my thinking) nothing is in stone. OR is it?

Mr Cukkel Goes to the House Of Jabula by VJ Electramorhipism

Mr. Cukkel visits the house of Jabula and has a good time. After realizing that giving all your money to Jabula so you can get steak, lobster, and shrimp on the beach doesnt work for him. He has to pray to Jabula if he wants help or some of his money back while the spokesperson eats steak, lobster and shrimp. Enjoy!