Tag Archives: Smart Mans Horror Film

I Am The Spider Movie: Part 1 by VJ Electramorhipism

VJ Electramorhipism created his first Short Film/video that he started and finished. Called I am The Spider Movie, the movie is basically about a spider that goes around hypnotizing people and how people get caught up in the hypnotic effect of the spider and others are able to break away and do there own thing…. thats it..finished what I started…….Me…Smiling new milestone regarding films….yyyyyeeeeaaaaa…I Celebrate this Moment….let me baskk in it………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….me basking….all damn that feels GOOD. LOVE U Guys all of Yah. LAter.