Tag Archives: patience

Social Musings 101: Patience

As we set out to achieve our objectives the one thing we all need to remember is to have patience. Patience is important for all of us. The more patience you have the more you can achieve and enjoy life. If you see someone in life they models patience tell them about it. Also see what brought them to being patient and see what you can learn from them.
Make it a great day.

~Creative Director Jamaal R. James

Social Musings 101: Patience

We live in a very paced society. If we want soething we don’t have to wait we can have it now. If you want a bbq rib plate with pecan pie there’s a restaurant that will make it for you. If you want some macaroni taco salad, there’s someone or some where you can find or get access to that. So if we can have anything we want instantly then why am I talking about patience. I am talking about patience because some things take time. Take for granted the redwoods or Sequoias in Northern California. Those trees take years and years and years to rise to those heights. So while I’m not saying don’t go hard at what you do. No do that actually and more. But on some of the bigger things we want in life take your time and enjoy the process. So if you want be build a 20,000 square foot house with detailed design I’m sure this will take much longer than a copy and paste regular house. So all I’m saying is when you’re rushing something step back and ask yourself why am I rushing this, what do I fear? Let me slow down and see what happens. Enjoy your day and life. ~Electramorhipism

The History of Apple Corporation

Everyone takes smartphones and a lot of mobile gadgets for granted. A lot of the daily conveniences that we enjoy are because of people who day and night painstakingly took the time to build products and services to make the world a easier, simplier, more productive place. No company espouses this philosophy more than Apple. At one point in his career, Steve Jobs, was kicked out of his own company. Imagine that, you build a house from scratch and after its built the other people that assisted with the building of the house say, yes, well thanks for everything and building this house that didn’t exist but you have to go. Talk about a resilient personality. So here’s the history of Apple Corporation according to Wikipedia. Enjoy.



How Schools Kill Creativity


This is a very great video about how in school we are taught to think in a straight line and any deviation from that line is punished. So we tend to stay that way throughout life and then we wonder why kids don’t take creative risks and always play it safe.